Care Coordination

Community Living Connections (CLC), Washington State’s term for Aging and Disability Centers, is a federal initiative to streamline access to programs and services for older adults, adults with disabilities, and their unpaid caregivers. CLC enables people to live in a community-based setting of their choice and age in their homes and communities.  

CLC uses a “no wrong door” approach to connect older adults and adults with disabilities with short-term case management and assistance accessing services and navigating care.

This service is funded by the City of Seattle Human Services Department. 

Services for Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities

  • Assessment and service plan development

  • Coordination of resources and services

  • Referrals and warm handoffs to partner organizations

  • Transition planning for long-term stability

  • Flexible funding for goods and services to support independent living


Are you a referring partner? Please complete the CLC Care Coordination Screening & Referral Form.

Need Assistance? Get Help

Please call us at (206) 957-1725 or send us a message.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1

If you need services urgently, please call 2-1-1

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call 9-8-8