Medical case management

People with HIV are now living longer, healthier lives.

We'll work with you to identify barriers and connect you with programs that help make life balanced. Individually tailored plans are designed for newly diagnosed individuals and those who’ve been living with HIV for years. 

Case Management can connect you to:

  • Food and Nutrition

  • Dental Services

  • Medical Care

  • Health Insurance

  • Specialty Pharmacies

  • Medications

How do I know if I'm eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • Live in Washington State

  • Are HIV Positive

Getting Started

Enrolling in services starts with a short orientation to assess where you are and how we can best help you. 

When you meet with your case manager, please be ready to provide:

Proof of:

  • Diagnosis

  • Residence

  • Insurance (if applicable)

  • Income

contact us

Get started by calling to set-up an appointment at (206) 957-1600 or by contacting us using the form below: