The Pay It Forward Society honors those who have remembered Lifelong in their estate plans.
These gifts are a way to leave a meaningful legacy to Lifelong and to ensure the ongoing viability of our organization.
Ways to Give
There are a number of planned gift options, most of which offer considerable tax benefits. Estates both large and small can benefit from planned giving and make a significant impact on Lifelong.
Bequest (Will or Living Trust)
Beneficiary Designation (life insurance or IRA)
Charitable Remainder Trust
Charitable Lead Trust
Retained Life Estate
What to Give
Publicly traded securities
Retirement plan assets
Personal residence, vacation home, or other real estate
Life insurance policies
Closely held stock
Family limited partnership interests
Other assets of value
Please consult with your professional advisor to determine if an estate gift is right for you. Your advisors can help you explore the possibilities and identify ways to maximize the financial and tax benefits of an estate gift.
Contact to request more information.